Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's starting to get cold outside

It's October and Halloween will be here next week. The leaves are falling off of the trees. I love this time of year except when I think about how cold it is going to get for the next few months. I wish Christmas was in late January instead of December. Did you know that December 25 isn't really Christ's bithday. I couldn't believe it when I learned it. Apparently December 25 was just a date chosen to celebrate Christmas by one of the Pope's in history. I can't believe that most of my life I was lead to believe that Jesus was acutally born on December 25th. Why don't they make this more public. I guess his real birthday was sometime around the start of spring. Don't you think it would be more appropriate to be celebrating Jesus's birthday when everything in nature is coming to life. It makes more sense to me. Don't get me wrong. I do love Christmas. It is the most wonderful time of the year.

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